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"Shironeko" (White Cat) by Hiroaki (Shotei) Takahashi (1871 - 1945). This print was first published in 1926. This is a later edition printed from original blocks by the original publisher. The 7 mm Watanabe seal is located near right edge of image (nearly impossible to see) and red "Heisei" seal in left margin. Signed Shotei with red artist seal "Shotei"and date "Taisho 13nen 6 gatsu" (Printed June, 1926) in upper left of image. Pristine condition, never framed and full margins. Please see cat's fur. You can see superb "Kara-zuri" (deeply gauffraged).
Technique: Woodblock
Paper size: 14 and 3/4 inches by 10 and 1/4 inches (37 x 26cm)
Image size: 13 and 1/4 x 9 and 1/4 inches (33.5 x 23.5cm)
Sheet number: N/A
Date: First published in 1926. This is a later edition printed from original blocks
Signed Signed Shotei with red artist seal
Condition Pristine condition.
Collections: Hiroaki (Shotei) Takahashi (1871 - 1945), Shin hanga
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